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We’ll start this blob by expressing our extreme gratitude to Jared & Fabian from the Drink Culture podcast for sharing their story with us. As Forging Flame is a very new show, it was incredibly beneficial for us to get multiple perspectives on the entire life cycle of a very successful localized podcast. They spent some time with us, and we went pretty effin’ deep.

To fill you in, Drink Culture is a podcast based in Indianapolis, Indiana, focused on “strengthening communities through storytelling”. Through a vast catalog (175 total episodes in their feed) of conversations with thought leaders, community organizers, entrepreneurs, hustlers, and storytellers, they inspired their listeners to “drink deep of the culture that surrounds you.” 

Despite the success of that overall mission and the adoration given them by the community as a whole, even with all the good they did within Indianapolis, and love they were generating and receiving, they still decided to call it quits, just a couple of weeks prior to the recording of this episode. We dug deep into why, and tried to cover as much territory regarding that decision as time would allow. 

It was a great conversation, though kind of emotional at points, and we could’ve easily asked a million questions more. Again, super-thanks to the whole Drink Culture crew. Jared and Fabian started something beautiful, built out an incredible team, and really made an impact in their city. We’re beyond proud to have had them as guests, and we know you’ll take something useful away from this one. Had a bit of snag with the video, so it’s audio-only. Sorry! Regardless, enjoy!
