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Ep. 21 — Charles Burt

Ep. 21 — Charles Burt

In following up an episode like Charles Burt’s with a written piece, it can be incredibly difficult to even begin to sift out the useful or impactful bits and translate them into a format like this, due to the quantity of seemingly important words, and seamless way...
Ep. 20 — Kim McCann

Ep. 20 — Kim McCann

Kim McCann is an artist to her core, and one of the most interesting, beautiful souls I’ve ever met. We had an exceptional conversation in Episode 20 of Forging Flame, and there’s much that could be discussed about it here in this heckin’ bloggo.  We could talk...
Ep. 19 — Harder Brunch

Ep. 19 — Harder Brunch

In Episode 19, Ryan and I met up with the boys from Harder Brunch, Dyke Michaels and Kris King. Now, typically, when writing these blogs, especially since they correspond directly to an episode, we try to keep the content relevant somehow to a salient point that was...
Ep. 18 — Ricardo Laranja

Ep. 18 — Ricardo Laranja

Ricardo Laranja is a world class musician, producer, composer, teacher, and he was my primary mentor during my time in college. I can’t understate the positive impact this guy had on my life. In the beginning of this podcast, I stammered a bit trying not to say...
Ep. 17 — Zach Rohn

Ep. 17 — Zach Rohn

In the future, if, for some unfortunate reason, Forging Flame crashes and explodes against the rocks in a ball of fiery glory, an individual motivated enough to look back through our ancient podcast archives and determine where was the starting point of our demise, is...
Ep. 16 — On Suicide

Ep. 16 — On Suicide

This is our heaviest episode yet….by far, but Ryan and I felt it necessary to use our platform to help bring even more awareness to the topic of suicide, and suicide prevention. We’re obviously not professionals, and you shouldn’t confuse our advice with being...