In following up an episode like Charles Burt’s with a written piece, it can be incredibly difficult to even begin to sift out the useful or impactful bits and translate them into a format like this, due to the quantity of seemingly important words, and seamless way...
Kim McCann is an artist to her core, and one of the most interesting, beautiful souls I’ve ever met. We had an exceptional conversation in Episode 20 of Forging Flame, and there’s much that could be discussed about it here in this heckin’ bloggo. We could talk...
Mallory Hodgkin is a beautiful human being. She came to do the typical Forging Flame thing, where she comes and talks about her creative process and inspiration and whatnot, and instead, wound up doing the typical Forging Flame thing, where we have a super-deep...
In our curious study of the creative process, we begin with ourselves. Our relationship with creativity is somewhat unconventional and mildly synaesthetic. This conversation covers a lot of ground! We start on how we met 14 years ago and move on to our experiences...
July 2nd, 2020 marked the beginning of our new podcast Forging Flame, a freeform exploration of the creative process. And while it’s only beginning, this has been a lifetime in the making. In the first episode of Forging Flame, Nick and I talk briefly...